Thursday, October 15, 2009

A 11

Again, Stanley Kubrick states that it’s not The Overlook hotel we're looking at in his interview with Michel Ciment. “… they were in a photograph taken in 1921 which we found in a picture library." But there's something else here that's not easy to spot. The Gold Room party is set in the twenties and the director firmly establishes that the party goers in the photo are actually from the year 1921. This is exactly what you would expect from a perfectionist like Stanley Kubrick. What you would never expect is something about the song playing at the end of the film when he shows us the photo and well into the films credits. It's "Midnight, The Stars and You", by Ray Noble. The problem is the date of the final photo "Overlook Hotel July 4th Ball 1921" can't possibly be correct because the song "Midnight, The Stars and You" was first released in 1932, 11 years later. It can't possibly be playing at the party depected in the final photo or The Gold Room party. It simply didn't exist yet. Stanley Kubrick would have died before making an obvious mistake like this (It's actually not a mistake at all as the party never exists except in Jack's head).
